• My Eternal Nightmare

    I woke up in a dreary forest,
    My mind lay in an eternal rest,
    I laid my hand upon my chest,
    Only to feel my heart had stopped,
    I laid the other on my crown,
    And upon my face I laid a frown…

    A tear of blood rolled down my cheek,
    A simple sign that I was weak,
    No hope left in my soul,
    But what is hope for a heart of coal?

    I walked down a hill,
    Forcefully pushed against my will,
    Dragged by two demonic beings,
    Cut by a broken spinning wheel
    And a lion with a broken heel…

    All I love is gone,
    All I love is dead…

    But what is love,
    For a person whose never been loved before?

    A raven flew in front of me,
    Oh how I wish that I could flee,
    I wonder how to escape this nightmare,
    A simple dream I cannot bare,
    Don’t hate me just because I care…

    Be warned and beware!
    This is not meant to scare
    Only change what was never there…