• I hate to remember,
    The way you looked,
    When you fell.

    I hate to remember,
    The way that they screamed,
    When they knew.

    Your a part of me,
    Always will be,
    My friendly enemy

    I hate to remember,
    The way that they laughed,
    At me.

    I hate to remember,
    The way that I drowned,
    In my self.

    Your a part of me,
    Always will be,
    My friendly enemy.

    I screwed up bad,
    Hate to see,
    The looks and cries and pleas,
    That people scream at me.

    When I am lost,
    I'm always found,
    After dark on the ground,
    Because I'm hurt.

    I am wounded deep,
    To deep to break free,
    And it's because of you,
    My friendly enemy.