• Shaking, shaking
    Hold on tight

    The nightmare's
    Not going to end tonight

    Wake up, wake up
    Face what's real

    Reach out to reality
    Before your mind is sealed

    Wallow in it's light
    it's comforting feel
    Compare it to the nightmares
    With their meanings concealed

    But why is it dark
    when you open your eyes
    And why is it bright
    When you shut them tight?

    Look at what's in front of you,
    What do you see?
    Can you face the reality?
    All this time, your nightmare was a hoax
    And even though I tell you this,
    you think it's just a joke

    What's real will never change
    There's only you to blame

    Your reality's your nightmare
    The rest was just a dream
    Your wishes, your wants
    Blinded you, it seems

    To face those monsters everyday
    For the voices to never go away
    And a single fact that always stays
    Your reality's your nightmare

    Not the other way.