• Building Walls to protect
    Guns to Inflict
    Laws Enforced
    Standards Set

    You think your rules help?
    They hurt, America Degrades
    Nihilism was right
    America is Pointless
    Just the land of Crushed Hope

    America Degrades
    Torn down walls
    It has no effect
    Fight the Wars
    Just to fight
    Just to Keep the Shatter Remains Alive

    You think your government helps
    They hurt, they are the problem
    Nihilism was indeed correct
    this existence of help is pointless
    What now America?
    Run out of money?

    Whats wrong? Did we Win?
    Did we prove you wrong
    Take them Home
    You know not what you do
    So why do you do it?

    America Degrades
    Torn down walls
    It has no effect
    Fight the Wars
    Just to fight
    Just to Keep the Shatter Remains Alive

    America Has successfully degraded.