• Being angry isn't a good thing.
    especially when u are so mad, u just felt like u need to release the madness inside you.
    That's exactly what i did.
    today, i realease the demons.
    screaming, shouting, complaining. which eventually led to crying. didn't help at all.
    blaming all the innocent people for what's my fault, my life, my choices didn't help either.
    i end up sitting on the ground, crying.
    My life seems to flashes infront of my eyes.
    The certain events i didn't want to remember is replaying itself...
    over and over.
    being haunted in my dreams..
    over and over again.
    the pain, the fear never stops...
    scared, afraid...worries...
    more worries...
    i can't see my future anymore....blind as a cat..
    afraid what might come next...