• Taken.
    Does that mean he stole?
    Is he a thief that snatched my heart?
    It's not like he meant to though.
    Perhaps my heart just simply fell in his pocket.
    As he so rudely tripped me of course.
    I'm still falling, falling, falling.
    It's like a high you can't get enough of.
    His embrace; intoxicating.
    Words become brain surgery.
    High on his very essence.
    Numbing everything else in life.
    But there's a withdraw.
    It's hard to breathe without him.
    My chest aches where I am left empty.
    I brace myself for when the falling stops.
    But what can I do,
    When I land back to Earth?
    Die...inside at least.
    So never leave me, okay?