• Take it all away

    I really don't need them

    The shattered pieces

    or the broken heart

    The memories

    That you left me

    cause me all this pain.

    Just because of you,

    I'll never be the same.

    The lies that you told me

    Or the pain you still give me

    make me cry.

    The tears are truly a waste.

    That you aren't worth.

    No, I dont love you

    I actually strongly resent you

    but I do still wish

    I knew the guy I fell for.

    Who did you turn into?

    A Monster?

    I think so.

    Take these memories

    take away that damaged scene

    the scene where you left me

    The scene where you left me crying.

    " Hannah, I never loved you. I don't want to, and I never will."

    Kudos for your strong words

    and congrats on breaking the one who LOVED you.

    You lost me and now

    I think that new boy found me

    in all that lost misery.

    You do still cause me the most painful memories

    because the fact I thought I knew your love.

    But honestly I fell for that lie.

    Even through this pain I learned to move on, but

    these memories will never fade.

    They can only be placed in the back of mind

    with that brick wall surrounding them.

    I tell you this once

    I don't desire for you, I'm over you.

    I'm just here to tell you the damage you once caused.