• Heres what you need to know
    I love my life but not everyone in it.
    I almost lost my best friend over my boyfriend.
    Her ex-fiance.
    I know I broke the number one rule
    "Never Date Your Best Friends Ex"
    I've lied to my friends and teachers about having a child.
    I've opened people's shells and let them run wild.
    I'll tell you if I hate you or if I don't.
    I speak my mind,
    But never truely let anyone in,
    Except my best friend.
    She knows me in and out.
    I'm her soul twin and she is mine.
    I feel her physical pain and she feels mine.
    From cramps to broken toes and sore elbows to a broken nose.
    Even before we met, we were destined to be true friends.
    I tell her when she annoys me.
    And she tells me to back off.
    I've apologized to her,
    And I want to apologized to everyone else.
    I have good memories of my time as a Cleveland Eagle.
    I wont trade them for anything
    But I would trade for more of them.
    I'm sorry my dear friends and my teachers too.
    I'm sorry to you and even the Eagles,
    I wish I knew.
    Young Eagles feel lucky,
    For you will never know of the sorrow I sew.
    For foster care saved your souls,
    From my dark heart.
    I'm sorry everyone.