• You asked me why I'm standing here
    But for a minute nothing was said
    You placed your hand on my shoulder and ask me if you could help.
    I just turned my head toward you.
    Flashed a shy smile and said.
    "I'm standing here cuz I was told to wait."
    You asked me what it was I was waiting for.
    And for a minute I did not comply.
    I looked off into the distance.
    And cut a bitter smile.
    "I was told to wait cuz something bad happened."
    "I was told to maintain my distance."
    "I was told to give us space."
    "I'm waiting here till something else is said.
    "Waiting for word that everything is okay."
    "I'm waiting...just waiting..."
    And soon my words begin drift off
    You may notice the milk I was told to get has long since passed it's due date.
    Solidified and reek of gym socks left to dry beneath the sun.
    My clothes are slightly wrinkled.
    My hair an utter mess.
    "Waiting...still waiting..."
    A salty residue forms vertical lines against my cheeks.
    Have you noted the bags quite yet?
    Heavy and deep, dark shade of violet.
    Puffy and contradict my skin.
    My fingernails are long.
    Yellowed, but rounded at the edge.
    "Waiting...just waiting..."
    A strange aura seems to set in.
    I turn my head back to you.
    With a grin so broad an bright.
    "Everything is okay."
    I don't know if you can sense it.
    But I think an angel just lost their wings.