• sitting sliently, safe in my own thoughs, the only place were i can escape from the chaos, the laughing, the whispering, the drama, the crying, yelling, noise of feet walking through the halls...the only place i can escape the cramped hall ways and the people bumping into me...every word rings in my ears, the judging words, the hurtful lies, all i want to do is run away and sit under a quiet tree and listen to the wind, all i want to do is escape all of this....but i know i cant, i just cant......through my head rush the memories of past days, questions...Did i feed my dogs? will my dad get mad at me?what do we have to eat at home? whats for lunch today? whats he whispering to the person next to him? how much longer untill i can go home...? Why?i just want to be alone....every sound, every whisper, every little thing makes me want to screem....the wind tells me peace but my eyes tell me war, if only i could beleive the wind, and for once my eyes lied...