• They, They take, They take all we have
    We, We feel, We feel nothing now
    So, So it seems, It seems they tear us apart
    And now, Now I, I want to cry out for death

    I can’t take this suffering
    I don’t want this heart
    They strip the soul
    They take who you are
    And fill the void with darkness

    So I lie in wait for what will happen
    I’m a puppet in a world of pain
    I’m a pawn of this game of
    The Heart, The Soul, and Life

    Now watch as they tear the heart so we create chaos
    As they destroy the soul for a world of nobody
    As they take the lives of all
    And they control everything

    So I lie in wait for what will happen
    I’m a puppet in a world of pain
    I’m a pawn of this game of
    The Heart, The Soul, and Life

    Now rest for there is no way out
    And sleep so you escape the pain
    None can escape this new hell on earth
    And now it starts, the annihilation