• We have another person like you
    To get us closer to our aim
    Stopping people from playing deaths game
    Anorexia, depression and self harm
    Against these enemies, you will be armed
    From you we have nothing to hide
    We admit that we too have cried
    We too have felt like we wanted to fall
    We too have felt like ending it all
    Buts that no reason for underestimation
    Of our writing, our poetic creations
    You dont know the strength of the broken
    those who have painthat left unspoken
    Don't mock the things that we try to do
    because one day, we might be helping you
    Unknown is the strenght of the broken
    those who have pain left unspoken
    People who have been through it all
    those who stand whenever they fall
    I see you laughing, your mocking face
    But we will put you in your place
    Because we can and will stand together
    Creating something that will last forever
    whats better peices or a whole
    To get us to our master goal
    put together the peices of our heart
    Create one that will never fall apart
    Walk the world and help those close to giving in
    we won't let depression win