• Mighty creator

    Where is thou creator?
    Show thy self!
    Art thou a thief of my belief?

    My mind races,
    I need answers oh mighty creator!
    Art thou real?
    Or are you a burden of my imagination?

    Are you really out there?
    I am of a woman constructed of confusion,
    Not knowing whether to believe these stories the beloved explain to me.

    Maybe my belief is nonsense,
    Maybe the damned shouldn't believe these stories,
    Maybe they're not lies,
    But then again
    Maybe they are.

    Oh mighty creator!
    Please show me guidance!
    I need the strength to show me the way to Heaven
    And away from Hades.

    Where shall my soul travel?
    Surely my blood will drain,
    My bones will be devoured,
    My organ will be removed 
    My body will be left in a casket to rot.

    Mighty creator,
    What is this meant for?
    I am of a woman constructed of confusion and torment.

    Help my worthless soul,
    Save me from the devil ,
    Save me from the fires of Hell,
    I do not want to be damned,
    Release my soul mighty creator!