• Into this sea of darkness I wade
    forever all alone
    For these waves of midnight black
    are all the light i've ever known

    I sink beneath the surface
    Inky water over my head
    I long to leave this wretched life
    And join the legions of the dead

    But deaths embrace i do not find
    It seems that it is not my time
    I break the surface once again
    Longing for that blissful end

    I sit limp as the waves crash
    Looking back on bitter past
    Failures laid out plain before me
    Laid out for the whole world to see

    But in them i find no meaning
    Smothered by this eternal dark
    Their purpose my mind not gleaning
    Seeing only a future bleak and stark

    I sit and wait for my time to come
    Misery fills my waking thoughts
    I lay here on these shadow waves
    Like a fish waiting to be caught

    In the end we all must wait
    Upon these waves for our fate
    And then pass into the abyss
    Lost souls no one will miss