• Power abused
    Scalpels misused
    Heels heightened
    Teeth whitened
    Lips injected
    Imperfections rejected
    All by our American celebrities

    They change their faces
    To fit in with the pages
    Think a lift will
    Lower the ages
    Imagery plagues the nation
    And plastic surgery implications
    Cover the tabloids
    Stretched into androids
    Will we ever look the same?
    People people are the ones to blame

    If nothing's real,
    What is left?
    The super-human generation
    This fake inspiration
    Is travelling the world
    With just one glance
    At Lance Romance
    Or magazine girls
    With their fake boobs and real pearls
    12 year olds
    Will stuff their bras
    To look like the stars
    And change who they are


    They change their faces
    To fit into the pages
    They think a lift
    Can change the ages
    Imagery plagues the nation
    And plastic surgery implications
    Pack doctor's waiting rooms
    Terrify the patients' grooms
    Entertain their lovers
    Disappoint their mothers
    Will we ever look the same?
    People people are the ones to blame