• The evergreen trees toss their branches in the wind.
    The leaves rub together, whispering secrets. They sing
    "Sh, sh, promise not to tell?
    Sh, sh, all will be well."
    They tell the wind about the rain and sun and what
    it's like to feel the pull of the moon. They call in hushed tones
    "Sh, sh, promise not to tell?
    Sh, sh, all will be well."
    They tell the birds which branch is best to nest on.
    The tell the deer if a hunter's on the way. They say
    "Sh, sh, promise not to tell?
    Sh, sh, all will be well."
    And around Christmas time, when snow and carols fill the air they wait
    and when one of them is chosen to stand in town square they tell it
    "Sh, sh, there's no more to tell,
    but as you go, you know all will be well.