• They march down the trodden path
    Searching, searching
    For what cannot be found
    Always following, never leading
    Always dying, never living
    Unforgiven, hated, hated
    Empty hearts and empty faces

    Following maps meant for others
    No help given; no help taken
    Black crow watches, watches, watches
    Always wanting, never getting
    Because they cannot find it
    No matter how long they follow that map,
    They will get nowhere

    Because it was not meant to be
    They will never find that happiness lost
    Until they cast away the mask,
    The pain, the anger, the sadness
    And follow their own paths

    Cast away that worthless map
    Find your happiness
    Cast away your mortal foes
    Find your happiness
    Never mind their negativity;
    Find your happiness
    Be who you want to be
    Follow your path
    Keep your head up
    Live your life to its fullest
    And find that happiness....
    That you deserve

    ~~For a dear friend heart