• I think about you a lot
    It seems kind of silly of me
    I can’t seem to get you out of my head
    But I doubt it’s been the same for you
    I guess we had a night of passion
    And I’m sorry
    I should have been stronger
    Maybe we’d still be friends that way
    You said you could see a future for us
    I’m still waiting for it to come true
    It’s hard for me to decide if you mean the words you say
    Beating myself up won’t help it become clear
    You’re like my barbed wire dress, cutting me with every move
    You’re the best bit of fashion for me, though
    You complement my figure
    But beauty is pain
    Youth is betrayal
    And I’m suffering from both
    I wish it were that easy to throw you away, but I can’t
    You have a piece of me, and what can I say?
    You’re the best bit of fashion, my barbed wire dress