• Mommy, i just want to say,
    You're special everyday.
    I want to thank you and all the mothers,
    For taking care of their children and others.
    There's really so much i want to say,
    That's why i'm happy it's mothers day.

    You know, all those times i made you mad,
    You know it hurt me inside, really bad.
    If i ever make you sad and glum,
    you know i was just being dumb.
    I wish i can give you flowers that were pink and blue,
    But i hope this poems enough, because i made it special just for you.

    You're so important to me in my own way,
    That why you deserve a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

    P.S. Mommy, i didn't copyright this whole part, i got from my heart smile