• Just another slit across my wrist from the razor blade of painless thoughts.
    The pain is agonizing though at the same time the most amazing feeling yet.
    I watch as the blood drips from my wrists onto the ground beneath me.
    I hide the razor and the bloody towels in a box. Hiding the evidence of what has just been done.
    If they only knew the reason I do this, Only if they knew the pain they cause me. Maybe they'd understand, Maybe they'd treat me better. But no, nothing will ever change.
    I take a hit from the cigarette I have in my hand. I inhale slowly taking in my thoughts of how easy it would be to just end the pain. End all the suffering. End it all. End my life. Maybe they'd regret those hurtful words said. Maybe they'd regret what they've done.
    I slowly exhale, Thinking if I should let the thoughts take over me. " End the pain " Those three words repeat over and over in my head I slowly flick the cigarette, step on it. And walk back inside ignoring everyone around me I go into my room, shut the door. I walk over to the box I had recently payed a visit too. I open it, look at the bloody towel, the blood stained razor blade. I think to myself " I have people who care about me, though it may be a small amount. But they care. If I ended it all... Would they miss me? Would they regret the hurtful words they have last said to me? " But I push the thoughts out of my mind. I take the razor, About to slice into my wrist. The door smashes open against the wall. I look up to see my best friend. She looks at the razor in my hand and she looks at me. " Why would you do such a thing?! " She says to me loudly yet quietly so the people in the other room won't hear. " It releases me of pain " I say as I shed a single tear it rolls down my cheek off onto the floor. She slams the door shut and kneels down beside me. " People care about you " She took the razor out of my hand and threw it out my open window. " No they don't it's just an act of pity " I say my voice shaking. " I don't think I can do this anymore. " I think to myself ignoring what she is saying. Only letting my thoughts in. I hug my friend tightly. " I'm sorry " I repeat over and over again. She takes the box, and throws it into the trash can. It's all over. I realize that I have people who care about me. Enough realizing to know that the pain I've caused myself, The pain the thoughts I've had caused me. I'm done with it.