• I see you,
    those three simplistic words,
    meaningless by themselves,
    but together,
    meaning you are seen,
    physically, mentally and emotionally.

    Most often seen,
    in the toughest of times,
    when you are constantly trying,
    but do not know when you have succeeded,
    when you ask for forgiveness,
    not realizing you have already been forgiven,
    when you die inside,
    not understanding that you died in my eyes as well,
    I do see you.

    I see your pain,
    hidden beyond your eyes,
    I see your scars,
    that stain your skin,
    but also those in heart.
    I see inside you,
    when you find your emotion invisible.

    But you do not see yourself,
    I can no longer see us,
    I only see you.