• If you wanted to know everything,
    I could write a song to you just about it,
    I could write a whole story.

    But you wouldn't stay,
    you would just say "Alright." and leave.
    Why won't you call me out yet?

    I've always been stuck,
    waiting for that slender hand to come chasing after me,
    and hold on.

    I keep running but I don't feel those hands,
    times still ticking my carelessly.
    What if he never does come after me?

    What if things just end,
    what will happen to forever?
    I stop,

    dazed by the outcomes.
    I have to go back,
    I know i'll regret it later on.

    I shouldn't let the stubbornness get the best of me,
    I know better.
    I haven't made any steps at all,

    I've always been the one standing there,
    I need to do something by myself for once.

    I need to stand on my own,
    or I won't ever survive.
    I turn around and find you still there standing,

    Were you waiting for me?
    I'm sorry I took so long,
    as I run into your warm arms,

    I don't care that you didn't come chasing after me.
    I've been the princess all along,
    but she needs to learn to protect herself sometimes too right?

    It's alright to be stubborn sometimes,
    as long as it's you,
    I won't mind.

    I'll be strong for you.
    Because I don't want to let you go.