• I hear them
    They tell me you’re good
    They tell me you’re bad
    They say you’ll shatter my heart
    They say you’ll give me joyous laughter

    They say all these things
    They’re all about you
    They tell me both the good and the bad
    Polar opposites of each and every fas'sad

    Is it my conscience
    Is it the god with the devil
    Telling me which is right and which is wrong
    Which makes a giant enigma that travels throughout my head

    I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s not
    But now I have to make a choice
    Whether to listen to my head
    Or follow my heart

    'Cause once I have chosen
    It”ll either be to stay and be loved
    Or leave so I don’t have to bear the pain of an empty heart
    One day when I’ve come to a decision
    I’ll finally have my answer

    Whether to stay...
    Or whether to go...