• I know--- despite the fact, that the pain which stubbornly worms around in my chest, needs to scream otherwise.
    --- that the boulder which rest on top of your heart, is not one I hold over you.
    But yours is still a pressing burden on mine.

    Oh, the position of aid; best friend!

    I can see why, the spell that has befallen me, has now befallen you.

    All because of her... What beautiful misery!
    I cannot harbor any jealously, nor claim confusion, when I see her shinning figure next to yours.

    I’m not the one that makes you shiver…

    Like a fool, I stare at you, with greedy eyes, watching fascinating movements.

    I feel my boulder shake...

    Sleep now, my heart. Rest better knowing that someday I shall claim you back…

    When roses don't fade fast.