• You said that you had no time
    Finals were keeping you away from love
    My patience would have been considered sublime
    Now I know you needed time to think how to get rid of

    I Reached my hand out for you day by day
    You said I was pushing even though I only cared
    You ignored or never had anything to say
    It seems my feelings i still had for you was not shared

    You sent me a letter calling it off
    You said i did not even know
    Even though we have never started a scoff
    Maybe the reason was because you would not show

    You hurt me by leaving me for a man of lesser quality
    I believe this all ended because your uncontrolled frivolity

    P.S. This was my last step to get over it all and i don't care for ratings i just wanted to write and let the people see my feelings, thank you.