• So restless
    I can't stop moving
    Yet I need too
    I feel so unwanted
    Uncared for
    Pathetic and miserable
    People around me say they'll be there
    Though I feel as though I'm nothing more than a mere shadow of the night
    No one can comfort this broken outcast
    She doesn't let me speak without a screech received back
    She doesn't believe me from the past I memorized by heart
    There's no "he" to hug me threw the agony
    No "he" to warn me with a simple word
    There's no more sleeping beauty waiting for her prince to arise
    I only hope for a hand to reach out a just grasp mine
    Not to understand
    But to listen
    Neither to agree
    I'm a lost kitten in the woods
    Looking for my sphere of thread
    I shed a tear the color of gloomy blood
    Letting it leave my eyesight to my cheek
    No one asks how I feel for this or that
    Strangling myself may never seem the worst thing to do
    But it never seems like the best thing either
    I need a true friend
    One that will take me in
    Not care for what I say or do
    What I think or how I am
    A true friend that loves me for me
    But the world seems to die out of those
    I gaze up at the ceiling
    Night after night
    Wishing it'll get better
    Hoping that time will heal my torn up, beaten heart
    Yet I still gaze up at blank cement
    Hour after another
    My past rewinding itself over and over to torment me
    Nothing worst then hearing a voice that can no longer be heard
    My only chance is paradise
    For when it comes
    I'll never have to feel so abandoned ever again