• How foolish be the hearts of man
    that bid him stand in Death's shadow?
    How small be the minds of man
    that know not but what they see?
    How frail be the bodies of man
    that shatter so easily?
    How dark be the souls of man
    that tell him harm his fellow?
    But Man's elemental mystery.
    His impossible determination.
    Makes him stronger than he appears.
    for better or worse is naught but speculation.
    How brave be the hearts of man
    that bid him defy the face of death?
    How vast be the minds of man
    that create such wondrous things?
    how strong be the bodies of man
    that deny their own weakness?
    And how pure be the souls of man
    that tell him give of himself?
    How strong is this creature called Man,
    who shines with his own light,
    who creates his own darkness,
    and seeks his own truth regardless.