• I thought of all the times we said hello
    I thought of all the sad faces
    Saying we had to go
    I thought of all the places
    We hung out
    Just knowing all this
    Calmed me down

    And you never would've asked if I loved you
    Until I did the task
    And you knew it was true
    So think about how we got this far
    Just knowing all that
    Should've healed your scars

    It took me awhile for me to realize
    After we had separated
    It was no surprise
    I was being complicated
    You wanted me gone
    Yet to know, it took me so long

    Now we are just friends
    I never really wanted revenge
    Well, how do you like it now?
    And you know I never would've allowed...

    You see, baby,
    I'm telling the truth
    I had to uncover your facts
    Just like a sleuth
    I knew one time you hated me
    But I gave it my all
    I took the call,
    You see

    Sitting in a silent room
    I couldn't help but remember
    All that I've done to you
    I'm sorry if it was labor
    Just to love me
    But, boy, you know I'm that double whammy!