• Take me as I am
    Don't tell me I'm screwed up
    Believe me, I'm well aware
    And I will not apologize for being who I am
    When in this world Indifference is the common syntax
    And Blind Happiness is the only accepted emotion
    They tell you to let nothing bother you
    But I say No
    I know that caring hurts
    I've felt the biting pain of betrayal, but I've also felt true Joy
    Unconditional Love
    These emotions are eternally interlocked
    Love means Grief
    But Pain means Joy
    I'll take those odds anyday
    And hey
    I know, I know getting to know me is no walk in the park
    It's more like climbing a mountain
    But I promise the view at the top is worth it
    I know there are twists and turns on this crazy taxi ride we call life
    But isn't that what makes it so exciting?
    So don't tell me not to care
    You can't change that part of me