• Broken and battered my heart falls to the floor and I hear a sharp shatter.
    Did she care? Maybe. But her expression didn't show it, her eyes looked cold enough to tip the thermometer needle to negative eighty. We used to talk alot when we first met, but now we barely converse lately and it honestly makes me a bit nervous. Jealous. Thinking about what might be happening makes me voice crack and my hands shakey.

    It's either I really like her or maybe I'm just crazy.

    I want to text her. Call her. See her, But I know she doesn't care about me.
    My hearts telling me to do it, but my brain is telling me that she is not worth it.
    Why do I keep hurting myself over her when there's plenty of other fish in this vast sea?
    Maybe I'm insane to want to throw myself into her love knowing it's nothing but a black pit.

    I don't know. Maybe she hates me. Regrets ever knowing me.
    Looks at my pictures of my face, grimaces, but is to lazy to break it off with me.
    Negative thoughts flood into my skull and the world looks alot less colorful.
    I am that person in her phone saved under a name that says "Don't answer."

    I guess it doesn't matter that she left me just like the rest of them.
    Born alone, die alone, I'm just another guy in her "Not even a friend zone."
    Disassociation from the world is my coping mechanism for the pain.
    Sometimes I wish I was Donnie Darko, while i'm sleeping I pass away from the engine of a plane.