• Yellow glow blends with the shadow,
    Illuminating the candle dripping hot wax,
    Then comes forth a face of tension and distress,
    A handful of sorrow he then burns making a mess,

    He looks at the pile of ash shining through the darkness,
    Silence where he's exploded a controversial exposure,
    Pick up the gun, press the barrel, and then he pulls the trigger,
    He had his life ahead of himself, but just like that, it's over,

    The darkness still shows fiery emphasis of the burnt ashes light,
    but seems to forget where he's made himself a grave,
    The memories of her were burnt up to be forever out of sight,
    and he seemed to have let his emotions break in and concave,

    The pain you feel as extreme devastation only appears to you,
    and once you leave this world the ashes float away; they don't bloom,
    Suicide is more than just an escape from pain using sin,
    It's also letting the thing wanting to destroy you simply win.

    There's no more of him,
    There's just a scar on the world,
    but when you look at all the scars made,
    yours seems more or less the same,

    It's a common misconception,
    A brilliant theme of deception,
    Then you think there's no reason to live,
    The world sucks anyway.

    What has given you such a short ended mind?
    Well it's not actually your thoughts it's a generalization,
    You will think it in the moment,
    But realize it's wrong in a far bigger collaboration,

    Maybe you should... just stick through your problems,
    Even when it seems like everything is falling down,
    Just get up and look in the mirror,
    You're still standing up.