• I don't like goodbyes
    I like hellos, instead
    Hellos are better than goodbyes

    Somewhere, a goodbye is hello
    I prefer to think of it as such
    Yet, I prefer hello

    Goodbye sound like the end
    And a reminder that it is such
    Don't tell me goodbye, tell me hello

    Say hello, not goodbye

    I don't like goodbyes
    I strikes something in me
    Please say hello, not goodbye

    I feel upset when you say goodbye
    Because I know you are going away forever
    Even though I would like you to stay

    Of course, we cannot fight fate
    Or turn back time, no
    Yet, I will have preferred it if you could

    Say hello, not goodbye
    Because, somewhere, I may see you again
    And when or if I do,

    I will say hello

    Tell me hello, not goodbye.