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Welcome to the The Semi-Literate Random Bullsh!t Guild.

This is a friendly place where all the Kiki gets humped by all of the Cocos. Where things can be discussed, talked about and laughed about. We're totally into rants, random topics and other crazy things.

The only thing about this guild is that, we don't accept people who just talk 4Ll ><-<0|23 Le37! We want people who have some brains and respect for the English language. So you know, if you think you qualify, please join by all means.

Well, just so I know you're semi-literate. On your join request, please write a 100 word essay on world politics. Haha, nah I'm just kidding. Please though, write a quick sentence on why you think you deserve to be in this guild. Most reasons will be accepted. I just want to know what you people would say.

Guild News.

January 11: The guild was created. 2 members so far... both are the captains.
January 13: New mod... xx_true_luff_xx
January 16: I get my braces off whee and for the real update.. 69 members. xd
January 18: Over 100 members and a sub forum. whee
January 20: Over 1000 posts and over 150 members. Go us! xd
January 22: Over 200 members. (:
February 7: Over 300 members.
March 13: Over 500 members!
April 25: Ownership change; frank leaves.