S.O.S. - Save Our Sharks

Just in case you do not know what shark finning is i will let you know. It is the unnecessary slaughter of millions of sharks. Fishermen hack off solely the shark's fins (while they are still alive) then throw the shark back into the ocean where it lays on the bottom of the sea suffering while waiting for its agonizing death. It may take the shark any where from 1 hour to 2 weeks to die. You may ask "Why do people do this?" Because they need it to put in a tasteless soup. A shark's fin has no taste and is only added to the soup for texture. Sharks are vitally important apex predators. They consume the fish that eat Phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are responsible for producing over half of the oxygen in earth's atmosphere. This means that if the sharks are finned to extinction the fish that eat the Phytoplankton will increase in population. Therefore more fish will need to eat more plankton. Which means there will be less plankton and less oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. Now it is up to you. Support this dreadful act? or Help stop it and save our ecosystem?

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