Welcome to Disney Lovers!♥
Disney Lovers is a fan guild, dedicated to the ever so popular Disney stars like the Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and Miley Cyrus. Beloved Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Tinker Bell are all included as well!

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If you wish join, please fill out the following application:
1. Who is you favorite Disney star?
2. Why do you want to join?

Current Guild Contest!♥
Banner Contest! Make a Disney related banner for the guild, and prizes will be given!
First Prize: 8k
Second Prize: 6k
Third Prize: 4k

Other News:
We are looking for a few new vice captains and crew members! Interested? Pm me (yelyahJONASfan), or post in the thread in our main forum!


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