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District Twelve: May the odds be ever in your favor!

The following homepage was written and edited by Urgencys H e r e Now x

This home page was last updated on November 14

Important Announcements!

The trailer is out!

If you want to join, read the following before trying, please.


-No l337 and text talk. We would like to avoid sentences like
'Oh meh gawd! I luvt teh Hunger Games!!! Peeta is awsum, but Gale ROX MEH SOX!!!'
Yep. None of that, please. If you do this, you will be banned in a fraction of a second. We will allow mild text talk, such as: lol, rofl... etc. Just keep it to a minimum, please.

-We will have no personal fighting in the guild. If you take a fight over if Gale or Peeta is better to a personal level, expect to be banned. No matter what. We (the mods) don't care if you were 'just joking around'. Others happen to like the guild and would like it to, you know, stay open and on the search page.

-Swearing is ok, but not 'every f****** other God damn word!' Imagine a whole paragraph like that. It would not only be annoying, but it can get you banned from this guild. For good.

-Be a good sport! If you get demoted, deal with it. We have our reasons. If you get banned, you probably won't even have a chance to argue with the moderators.

-Write 'When life gives you lemons' in your reason to join (along with your answered questions) so we know you've read the most important rules. But please, please have read the book. We have gotten some people who tried to join who haven't... If you haven't finished the second, that's fine. So please do us a favor and put some key points that we don't mention on the homepage, by answering the following questions:

Who wrote the book?
Who is Rue? How did Katniss treat her, and why?
What were the first items Katniss got from the cornucopia?
What IS the cornucopia?
Did you read the rules?
Why do you even want to join the guild?

I ask the last question because we (the moderators, again. I'm not mental) want to know if you're just going to join to say 'hey! I'm in this guild!' or if you're going to join in our heated discussions about the book.