It is 25 years into the future. You are a (8-college) grade student playing the VR( virtual reality) game Suns of Zarimoya. Though you are new, things look promising. Maybe you are a strong and silent knight. In the real world you helped all those around you. You chose this class to defend others from harm, but in return receive help. Or maybe you are a wizard. A misunderstood nerd in the real world who everyone but a close group of friends looked down upon you. Now that you are in this world though, you can show them that brain can obliterate brawn, and everything else in your path. You might be the cunning rouge. Quick witted and popular around school, you chose this class to get in hard and fast. Now those that already liked you will admire you for your amazing skill. Then again you might be the berserker. A sports player in real life, you are short tempered and rash. You like to play and you like to win. Your destructive power exceeds anyone else on your team, but watch your back or you will be taken down. There is also the priest. Shy and collected, you not only heal your friends when they need it, but can deal out a good bit of damage yourself. Your only problem is that you can get scared easily and might run. Finally there is the custom class maker. A video game fanatic, you always find the best strategy. Maybe you mixed rouge with some skills in alchemy to make a ninja, or a berserker with high defense and massive armor and some healing skills to make the ultimate one man army. Who knows what strategy's will come from your creative mind.

The choices you make of who you are, in the game and out, are yours to decide, whether you are the chivalrous knight, or a funny friend, a team player or a PK( player kill), you make the choices. Go now, for destiny is in your hands.