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Do you find that you are "too old fo you" and you still love it? Is that secret fetish nerdy? Are you a nerd even though you don't want to admit it? Or do you embrace your nerdness fully? Do you like Pokemon? Anime? Manga? Magic: The Gathering? If you answered yes to any of those then the SNC is for you! The Super Nerd Club is a place where nerds, ones that embrace that their nerdness and ones that don't want to admit they are nerds, can come together and talk about/do nerdy things. Join Now! or Wicked will be sad.

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1) You don't have to be a nerd to join, you just have to like some form of anime or something nerdy.
2) No argueing outside the debate forums. Argueing and making fun of someone needs to be done in PM.
3) NO text language. (LOL, WTF, and stuff like that are okay. just no 4m and stuff)
4) Don't be idiotic. That will get you booted.
5) Be appropriate, everyone in here is human and deserves politeness.
6) Please read the announcement for each section before posting.
7) All RP ideas should be run by me FIRST so that i may okay them.
cool EMBRACE YOUR NERDNESS! (or don't. . .Whatever)

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heart heart heart


The Rainbow Cupcake Troopers

The MANLY Hairclip Brigade

Right Answers, Weird Reasons

Sanity Isn't Neccessary

Z World

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