This guild is an RP Guild. It is in NO way, shape, or form, devoted to just dragons. Do Not Say
"I love dragons so much and I want to be involved with them as much as possible."
When applying to the guild fill out the below application. Also number the questions 1. 2. 3. ect so it will take up less space.

1. How long have you been Rping? (e.g. 4 years)

2. What are your favorite type of rps? (e.g. Scifi)

3. What race and class do you like to play as? (e.g. human warrior)

4. What are your rp petpeeves? (e.g. super long posts)

5. Give a few sentences to demonstrate your rp ability.

Also this is a guild so your participation is required. If you just join and never post what's the point of keeping you around, so if you are accepted please participate in the rps.

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