Welcome, stranger! You have reached…

User ImageOrganization XIII User Image
the Kingdom Hearts Nobody Guild

Modeled after the style of the original Organization XIII guild, we offer special events, subforums for every occasion, and a small but tight-knit and active community.


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Special features:

Make your way to the top of the ranks!
In our Organization, higher posting is rewarded with a successively higher Nobody ranking. Will you be the one to rise from Dusk to Samurai and become one of the Organization’s top members?

From avatar contests to recruitment contests, there’s a competition for everyone – and if you don’t see what you like, feel free to create your own.

Although this subforum is still young, character reservations for Organization members and other Kingdom Hearts characters are open. You also have the option of creating your own original character.

Our members are active and outgoing. Join in the discussion, compare notes, make new friends, and learn the latest KH news here.


Sounds good, huh? Think you’re ready to count yourself as one of us? Well, don’t be so sure just yet…


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Ground Rules.

Obey the ToS and guild rules.
Yes, the Terms of Service do apply here, too. In addition, it’s your responsibility to read and obey any and all additional rules set forth by the guild captain in the announcements. Basically the same as every other guild here, ne?

Be respectful.
This should be self-explanatory. Disagreements are allowed so long as they are reasonable and stated respectfully to all people involved.

Be semi-literate.
Although we’re tolerant of all typing styles, excessive 1337 and chatspeak are the quickest ways to confuse people. We don’t expect perfection – just make sure you express yourself in a way that allows people to understand you.


"Do you want to know? You feel nothing. You can feel nothing…
Do you want a meaning?"

If you’re sure… then click the join button and give us a brief description of why we should accept you. It’s as easy as that.

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Organization XIII. Where no heart is no problem.