You've all heard of them, you know they exist. But there is no sure way of telling exactly who they are and what they can do. In society they will never be accepted, they all know that, but regardless of that fact, some of them choose to work with the humans. Who am I talking about you ask? Well X-man of course. Not everyone is blessed or cursed with their abilities. Some say their hero's others think of them as villain's and some of them are, in a way. You know of Magneto, and his group of mutants, then there is Professor X and his school for the gifted. Both fighting for the same thing, freedom, but in two totally different ways. You may have heard the stories of some X-men such as, Scott, Wolverine, Storm, and even Jean. But there are many others out there, with their own stories waiting to be told, they are the next generation of X-men. Throughout the years, the mutation of human kind has become more and more stronger, there are a lot more mutants now-a-days and their abilities are much more powerful. No one knows for sure who's side they are on, that is for them to decide.

1. The captain and vice-captains are in charge. What we say goes.
2. No god-modding of any sort.
3. PG-14, anything more then, hugging, kissing, holding hands, take it to PM's or time-skip.
4. Follow gaia TOS and the rules of this guild.
5. Respect every member of this guild.
6. All profiles must be accepted before you can begin to role-play.
7. Follow the rules failure to do so will get you a warning. Get three warnings and you will be banned from the guild.
8. Have fun.