Hidden deep within the realm of Starlight lies a forest. A forest that many a myths have been spun about. A forest called forbidden, or called the devil's trap. A forest so vast and beautiful it calls the eye of anyone whom dare come near it. You've somehow wandered past that forest, feeling it's odd pull, as you made your way to A nearby town. The inhabitants of the town, which you later find out is called Willow all stay away from that place, calling it evil and wicked. They all tell you the same story when you ask about the forest, that time and time again townsfolk will wander deep into it, never to return. The forest is inhabited by the darkest of creatures, or so the townsfolk tell you, called the Rhakun. These Rhakun are out to destroy any and all whom lay foot inside what they call 'their forest'. Little do most know though, there is a treasure hiding deep inside the forest, waiting for someone to come and claim it. Like a siren song though, the Forbidden Forest lulls many a race into it's deep green abyss, leaving them there to decide their own fate, for once you enter this enchanted forest, there is slim hope you may exit this place the way you entered.

You start your journey in the town of Willow, making your way towards the forbidden forest. Whether or not you decide to enter is strictly up to you, but let it be known if you do decide to enter, you will face all of the dangers that lie in wait for those it lulls in.