Hello hello,
Welcome to the Inspiration Station!
This modest corner of Gaia's art guild category is dedicated to those of us who can't shut off that creative portion of our minds. We're inspired by everything around us no matter what it is.
You pick up an art book and instantly your head transports you to a different world where you begin formulating all new characters based on the concepts that have been presented to you.
Maybe if you're a writer you see artwork of a stunning character design and you begin creating a story for that character, fleshing them out and bringing them to life.
No matter how you go about it, if creating is your passion then you've found your home.
In this guild feel free to post your own character designs, designs of people you admire, exerts from stories you're drawn to or even photos that get your gears turning. We're here to help fuel each others creativity. Maybe you have a character sheet you think may be helpful for the community or you found a really awesome art book that you found helpful, that can go here as well.
If you're still interested in joining then please continue reading!

1. Any content that does not belong to you MUST be credited properly. Anything that isn't can and will be removed.
2. Follow Gaia's TOS. I would hope though that goes without saying.
3. Do not post any links to vulgar or pirated material.
4. Out of respect to your fellow creators do not post critique on their work unless it is requested. While on this topic though, if you have requested critique take it with dignity. Don't be making excuses or getting offended, critique is there to help you. If you can't take the criticism then don't ask for it to begin with.
5. Anything posted on this guild is not to be taken without the original creators consent.

Everything else I would assume is obvious. The usual "don't be a jerk" rules.

Still here? Wonderful!
If you wish to join please send in a request telling me what you do (writer, illustrator, photographer, designer) and why you want to be a part of this guild.
Thank you for sticking with my through this lengthy description and I hope to be chatting with you all real soon!