We're just a bunch of people with stories locked inside us. This guild is for anyone who wants to talk in a little circle with friends or strangers. Whether it's to get something off your chest, or to meet new people, The Garden of Stories will welcome you.

As a storytelling guild, writing is one of the best ways to get your point across. Here we have a competition in the forums. The topic of the forum will be the theme. You will have a certain amount of time to write a story that will be judged among four captains/vice captains. The categories are grammar, the flow, plotline, and how well it fits the theme. There will be rewards as well, so don't think you're in it for nothing.

Storytelling doesn't have to be verbal or through words. Actions play a lot in it as well. Here, we have a small roleplay where you are a high school student with a power of your choice (you will post the abilities in forums). We'll see where the journey takes you, whether it's against another rival school, or so on. In this high school, the main groups are the writers, artists, and roleplayers. Each is leaded by a Vice Captain who will help you with that particular art and help with contests if you are interested. However, there will be no favoritism when it comes to judging. There are no contests for this, but it is another way to tell stories.

Pictures and photography will also be given a chance here. Post pictures you drew, or took with a camera. We may also have contests in the future with similar categories like how well it keeps to the theme, color scheme, proportions, and the overall picture.

Above all else, we encourage even the shyest people to join us. Everyone has a story to tell.