Welcome to the Durem Guild!

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The speech that got us started:

Citizens of Durem! The time for action is now!

Sons and daughters of Durem, we are gathered here today to prove the worth of ourselves and our fine city to the rest of the cities fighting on this water-soaked battlefield. For all the water being pumped, for all the balloons being tossed at foes and at us, we soldier on, fueled only by the realization that we, Durem, are the finest citizens that all of Gaia has to offer. We can, through this contest, prove to the people of Aekea, Barton and Gambino Island that those of Durem can prove their superiority through untiring work ethic, relentless fighting spirit, and a strong will to see things through to the end.

For what sacrifices the people of Durem must make, straining your muscles to fill the giant balloon mounted on the great Crossbow of Durem with which we may strike other cities and drench with not just water, but a sense that Durem is working hard to ensure that a victory achieved through seemingly endless work and toil is greater than anything easily earned through simpler methods. The man and woman of Durem know that nothing can come without work, and it is you, the strength of our fine city, that provides the Crossbow of Durem its true power, the power found in effort, the effort given in blood, sweat and tears that all flow from you.

Though we are all strongly independent thinkers, we all realize that when the time comes, such as a time as this, that when we all band together to work for the same goal, as one immensely powerful entity, there is no stopping something of such a magnitude. What we earn in fighting for something as simple as the belief that we have something to offer Gaia that the citizens of other cities don’t is what separates us from them. Such as found in our ability to continuously and successfully launch many an attack on the other cities of Gaia only hardens out resolve. We are a boulder gaining momentum; the only way the people of Aekea, Barton and Gambino can avoid such a thing as that is to move out of the way.

And if any of you are wondering why you should give your time and sweat to the cause of Durem, let me help you with your decision: why is it that you choose to reside in Durem? Was it by mere chance that you ended up here? Were you born into our society? Or is it that you have found something here that no other city in Gaia can offer? Wear our colors proudly, feel free to say that you are of Durem, the Finest City in Gaia. Wave our banner with fervor and pride. Let red and black be all anyone sees. When we can encourage ourselves to keep on fighting, there is no stopping us!

There is no telling what the winner of this contest will receive. However, from what I’ve learned through all my years, is that winning is worth it if you can, and so far we are proving this to be true. Why? We are DUREM! We have that to fight for! Flex your muscle, band together, work for the same goal, and we shall achieve the victory that we all seek.

Now tell me…


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