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Looking for suggestions from the members! And asking for all new join requests to use the application form on this page PLEASE! (see below)

This is a guild for girls / women ONLY! We have sub forums for all sorts of girl / women issues and we use our main forum to discuss periods and PMS. This guild is a place for girls to come and open up about their life without guys insulting them or laughing at them and so on. To see more of what we have keep reading.

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Frequently Asked Questions

My period hasn't started yet, can I still join?
Yes, of course you can. Feel free to ask questions about it in our question sub forum as well as read the info we have available.

I'm an adult/parent can I join?
Yes, of course you can. If you're a female of any age you can join regardless of your age.

I'm a boy, can I join?
No you cannot. This a place for girls to be open knowing they are talking to only girls. We do have some that were invited on accident. When we invite users from threads about girl issues especially periods, we invite those giving helpful information and sometimes there ends up being guys in that list.

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1. Follow Gaia's ToS!
2. Be nice to each other. We are here to help each other, not put each other down. Debate is allowed but no arguing/fighting.
3. No spamming, this includes bumping and icon only posts.
4. No advertising or begging for gold/items.
5. Try to be as literate as possible. A few tyops are okay here and there, but don't be annoying with your text.
6. Be active and use the sub forums!
7. Post at least once every 2 weeks unless you have stated a prolonged absence

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Sub Forums

Periods & PMS (Main)
Chatter, Discussions & Randomness
Hobbies & Interests
Health & Fitness
Birth Control & Sex
Pregnancy & Parenting
Fashion & Beauty
Mental Health & Issues
Journals, Rants & Your Life Stories
Archives (Old threads)
Crew (Crew Only)
Spam & Advertisments
Guild Events

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To Join

**When you send in your request to join it means you've read the rules and agree to follow them.**
Joining Form
User name:
Age (we don't require it, but it would be nice to know):
Give a few reasons why you want to join:
Will you be an active member?:
How did you find this guild?:

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Things we already have!

Corrupted Wish Game - Everyone's favorite past time!
Chatbox - Come chat with your guild members and have fun just being yourself
Advice - Advice about anything! Just post it in the right spot!
Art - Do you draw, paint, sketch, etc?
Spam - Need a place to just post spamtastic stuff such as word games?

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Coming Soon!

Tektek Contests - create a guild mascot, give a guild member a make over
Birthday celebrations - gift someone on their birthday, post in the thread specifically made for them!
New Guild Events - Guild members make a suggestion of a new event we should have.
Banner Contests - Make a new guild banner and win great prizes!

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Meet The Mods!

Agentshint71289 - Guild Captain
My real name's Julia and I'm the Captain of this guild. I hail from south-eastern Utah. I'm 22 years old and my birthday is July 12th. I'm fairly easy to get along with, I like to read and write stories. I love animals, video games and puzzles! If you have a problem with me, please, keep it to yourself and give some respect because I'll respect you back. Don't be afraid to talk to your Guild Captain, i need to know what your think of the guild and how I'm doing!

blue_lutra - Vice Captain
Hey, name's Blue (because I don't like the given name of Jessica). I live in central Oklahoma and am 21. I'm a severe tomboy with a love of music and writing. Half of my life is consumed by church and the other half by school/musicals (I work crew), but if you need me, send me a PM. I practically live online (figure that one out). So, yeah. Peace.