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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:25 pm
I am the Watcher! Like many others of my ageless race, I wander the multiverse in observation of countless worlds and countless realities! Yes! Coutnless Worlds and upon each countless stories unfold.
I have witnessed the ascension of Gods and the destruction of Celestial Bodies the birth of of entire worlds and the apocolypic end of entire civilizations.

In some worlds giant robots face galatic warfare for domience. In some realities of this world the villianous "Decepticons" conquer their enemy the Autobots upon their home planets. In another reality the race of machines never go to war, and in another the war wages for thousands of years.
In other super humans and mutants fight against equall super powered foes. Yet another world Humans reach out into space with geneiticly engineered super soldiers and face a Covenant of religious aliens before an untold evil threatens all.

There are countless realities, filled with different people and different choices. In the great Multiverse all stories unfold and all of time itself happens at once. It is my job to observe these worlds, these realities, watch these infinite possible choices unfold each in their own way. I do not interfere, my job is only to watch.

Yet something new is happening in the multiverse. Something I have never observed. Normally these realities are separete, each unfolding in their own path. Now however this is no longer so. Strange occurances are happening where realities and worlds are bleeding onto one another. For countless years I have watched the multiverse and never seen this, but all possibilities are possible and all happen in their own time, and it is my job to watch them all.
Perhaps I should not be suprised, once every choice is made and unfolded in every world of every reality the only other changes to be made are if these realities and worlds were not separete. Perhaps I have observed so many countless worlds and realities and timelines that these are the next ones. I do not know, and this is strange for I am the Watcher and I know all that happens, but I do not know this. Perhaps once all realities have run there course the only reality left to view is one of all realties at once.
I do not know this, and that is strange, now I must be viligent and observe what happens. The story I observe now start in a world full of fantasy and wonder. Monster roam the wild and magic fills the air. The story start here, however it does not stay here. This is only where a an alchimist, a mad scientist bent on breaking the laws of reality and finding a way for eternal youth dwells. This man is of high interst to me, his story is one worth watching.

It begins on a day like any other. Dr. VonKrutz is working in his lab, on his latest attempt at the fountain of youth. He will fail, this I know for I have observed him try this many times, and in all but a few realities he fails, and in the ones where he succeeds, this is not how.

The Doctor mixes his chemical and pours them into a glass, the excitment on his face is the same in every universe...which is strange it never changes and that is rare, but some things that are fundmental to someone are the same in all realities....he waits with anticipation as the chemicals mix. Smoke fills the air as the chemicals magic and chemical properties start to combine. An explosion, I have seen this before, Dr. VonKrutz dies and this is how this reality ends.

I have seen this before? What is this, why am I observing this? Wait. He is not dead, he is simply no longer there. That is strange, his corpse should lie on the ground next to the table as he bleeds out, glass cutting into his body, for this is what I have observed.

Where did he go? There he is, this is strange, I have not observed this world before. It is a world with...4 versions of the world in it? No 2. But I sense 4 and 2...worlds inhabiting the same space? How can this be?

Dr. Vonkrutz awakens. The world around him is strange, not his own. It looks like a barren waste land, filled with moutains and cliffs and desert...but everything is black with neon colors around there edges. No animals roam around, even though Dr. Vonkrutz can see for miles. He is confused as he wanders to a cliff edge, trying to figure out where he has gone.

In the distance he sees two beams of this neon lights, one red and the other blue. The red one lags behind the blue one as if it is chasing it. As the beams move across the black wasteland the color fades. Dr. VonKrutz has never seen anything like this and he is very worried about what has happened to him.

From behind him he hears footsteps. He spins around to see who appoarches him, frightened he has no idea if he is in danger or not. A man appoarches him, wearing a black suit. Perfectly laid on his body. His hair is combed back. Even though it is dark the man wears black sunglasses that cover his eyes. As he comes near Dr Vonkrutz he comes to a stop and folds his hands across his front.

"You don't belong here. What have you do to the program? What type of virsus have you infected the program with? This region should not be like this, not like this at all. I find myself unable to alter the data here, that shouldn't happen. Reguardless I will merely absord you and your virsus and find out how you did it."

This is troubling, I have observed all in this world, but never at the same time. These people and this world all hail from separete realities, they should not be together. Has someone tampered with the multiverse? Is this merely one of the many possible combinations of how time and reality flows? I do not know, but I am Watcher! It is my job to watch and observe. I shall not interfere with these happenings, for my job is only to Watch.

The Watcher  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:20 pm
Dr. VonKrutz blinked. As if frozen in place, all he could do was blink. His nose twitched and knees ached with the pain of stiff legs going numb. A spider monkey about the size of Dr. VonKrutz’s head swung from a perch built onto the side of his owner’s waist. The monkey climbed to the top of the Doctors head and peaked over, making sure to look into Dr. VonKrutz’s eyes. It concluded that its owner was still living and gave a friendly chirp. Dr. VonKrutz jumped. He blinked again, now noticing his pet, and quickly pulled out a note book from a pocket on his shirt.

“Most peculiar?” Dr. VonKrutz questioned everything at once. His free hand moved across his body, checking different vital signs. He too concluded he was still alive. “Does this mean the potion worked Grim?” He asked the spider monkey. The monkey chirped proudly in response.

“Can it be… but then what to make of this most strange hallucination?” Dr. VonKrutz jotted down notes about everything he observed. The lights, the barren land, his every feeling. He was hard at work when suddenly interrupted by what couldn’t be just a hallucination.

"You don't belong here.” The voice continued on, begging for Dr. VonKrutz’s attention. The doctor turned to face his company and more questions flew at him. What is this man wearing, what is he saying, what is this program he is talking about, what is on his face, and what does he mean by absorb? The stream of questions would have thrown anyone into disarray but not Dr. VonKrutz. He quickly organized the questions into pending trains of thought and jumped back into the conversation at hand.

“I believe we are at a mutual understanding sir. Which is ironic because it is a misunderstanding that we share. It would seem that neither of us know what is going on. I am sure if we put both our minds to it we can make sense of this interaction.” Dr. VonKrutz spoke as politely as he could. Grim quickly swung behind Dr. VonKrutz, he startled easily.  



PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:47 pm
The man in the suit smiled as Dr VonKrutz spoke to him. He laughed a bit, "I am an agent of the matrix, we do not associate with vriuses that affect the Matrix, we delete them." The man in the suit took a step forward and suddenly moved in a blur faster then VonKrutz could comphrehend. The Agent picked Dr VonKrutz up by the throat and walked him to the edge of the cliff they were standing on, "I suspect you are a human interfering in the program. Killing you here will end your interference here in the Matrix and the real world. Goodbye human"

As the Agent spoke a giant neon yellow ariship flew over the pair. A spotlight shined onto the two. "Unauthorized programs detected. For breaking your function you are hereby sentence by the CLU to participate in the games until your deletion. If you come peacefully we will not delete you, resist and we will destory your code where you stand." The airship focused its spotlight onto Dr. Vonkrutz indiviually, "Alert, alert, human user detected. Human user detected. Unauthorized human user detected." Sirens went off on the plane. "Human users are not permitted on the Gird. Come with us at once."

The Agent let go of Dr. Vonkrutz and turned towards the airship, "What is this? Unauthorized program?" The agent's face wrinkled up, "I am an Agent of the Matrix. I am authroized enforced of the world. Who are you to declare me unauthorized. What is the CLU and these games you speak of? The Architect runs the Matrix."

The airship turned its spotlight back on the Agent, "Unauthorized program is resisting. Challenge of the CLU noted, prepare to be deleted." A beam of neon red light shot from the a hole in the front of the airship towards the Agent. With its unbelievable quickness the Agent dodged the beam. As the beam hit the ground it disapated into square blocks of light. Dr. Vonkrutz had seen nothing like it. The CLU? Programs? The Matrix? What did an Architect have to do with any of this?

The Agent pulled a strange looking piece of metal from his waist (a pistol) and a loud bang eminated from it as a piece of metal flew from its front. The bullet bounced off the airships armor and the airship returned more laser fire. The Agent used its reflex to dodge the blasts as it kept firing on the airship. In the confusion of battle the two seemed to have forgotten about Dr. VonKrutz.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:01 pm
“Most interesting. It would seem that these two are separate factions with conflicting goals. Note, the magical airship and the super-fast show signs of being aware of each other’s presence prior to this interaction.” Dr. VonKrutz jotted down more in his notepad as he stepped away. The well-dressed man was fast but he did not frighten Dr. VonKrutz. Everyone had some special talent. It was this program he spoke of that worried him. Dr. VonKrutz had to know more.

The doctor looked down at Grim and whispered for him to check inventory. Dr. VonKrutz was in the middle of an experiment before he was where ever he is now. He was extremely unprepared for combat without his equipment. The thought of running crossed his mind but there was no place for him to go. He had to stand his ground until a better solution presented its self.

“Alright it looks like I have a basic alchemy set, some bottles, plenty of specimen containers, and my sling shot. Not much Grim.” Dr. VonKrutz flashed a worried looked. This was not good. He held onto a breath as if he was holding back his fears and then stepped forward. “GENTLEMEN! Maybe this is easier for me to say because I am completely outside my element but will you both reserve your idiotic protocol and acknowledge that something above all of us is wrong here.” While talking, Dr. VonKrutz was syphoning a liquid into one of his glass bottles for use if it came to it. The small container he was pouring out was labeled chlorophorme(sp).  



PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:20 pm
As the Agent battled the light ship a bunch of mechena appeared, their arms were like octopus tentacles. They swarmed the light ship at the aid of the Agent. A third ship arrived, and fired an electrical blast that sent all the flying machena to crash. Morphius, Neo, and Trinity emerged from the ship and rescued Dr. Vonkrutz from the Agent. Told Vonkrutz of the Matrix and the world they lived in (he acquires basic knowledge of technology, can still be confused and unaware its capabilities and limitations, but basic knowledge)

Neo sent into the Matrix to see if not some elaborate trap by the Agents. While in the Matirx ship is struck by crashing TARDIS (the polic box ship of the Doctorr). Doctor gets a lift with the crew and figures out that they all come from parallel dimensions. Encounter squad of cybermen before they can lift off. During the battle the Doctor and Dr. Vonkrutz witness the arrival of a Terminator (AND ITS ARNORLD STYLE GOD DAMMIT)

start with your reaction to the arrival of the Terminator, battle still commencing on other side of ship.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:36 pm
Dr. VonKrutz wasn’t even surprised at this point. He thought he had seen it all. Anything could happen at this point. “Cheers.” VonKrutz greeted the terminator with a sarcastic smile and a single wave of his hand. “Are you for killing machines or people?” Following the current trend, the question seemed to be appropriate. He had to know if he should run screaming or make friends. ‘What a strange predicament he had himself in?’ Dr. VonKrutz thought to himself.

Arnold answered with a deep chuckle. His body, almost in constant flex, urged tower the front line to begin crushing the lines of cyber men. The team bolstered behind him with excitement. Between him and Doctor Who they might just be able to figure things out.

After the Cyber men fled the group reconvened at the ship. Repairs were on the way. For the meantime, they all circled up to talk things over. Arnold warned them what the future had to bring and they needed to be careful about how they treaded forward if anything the future had to offer was to change.

“This is good and all but let us not forget my future is not the same as your own. This is not even the same dimension I come from. No offense Mr. Terminator but something larger is at work here. The Aeons have something more in store for all of us.” Dr. VonKrutz quieted down as the thought occurred to him. “What do you think has become of my world Spira?”  



PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:49 pm
(well that was persumptious of you.....))

The terminator looked at the group as he spoke of his dark future, "Two worlds have combined, how is still not understood. Only that it happened. In both worlds there is a computer simulated world and a physical world. When the worlds combined the computer simulated worlds mixed with the physical worlds. As of now the ruling program of each world, the CLU and Architect are battling it out for which program is dominate. In time the Architect and the machines of the Matrix's world will win out and abosrd the other world's programming into their arsenal. The cybermen will soon find out how the machines harvest humans for energy and will ally themselfs with the machines. Their cyber leader will add the ARchitect's program into his system, a marriage between the two armies. Humans will be harvested for energy until the cybermen need more soldiers. Their plan is to move from this planet and to spread across everything else out there. Subjecting the lifeforms for food or soldiers whereever they go. In my future Neo and a renegade program "Tron" lead a resistance group against the machines conquest. Zion falls, but they regroup the survivors and use a city from Tron's world programming as their home base. As a program himself Tron allows for the humans to gain a more equal footing against the machienes. Many programs from Tron's world ally themselfs with the humans, computing that their mission is wrong."

Trinity and the others look on in fascination, " So...and what are you?" Trinity asked still hesistant to accept what is going on.

The terminator looks over at Trinit and continues, "I am a terminator, a cyborg created by the machines to infiltrate the city of Light and assualt them from within. However Neo and Tron were able to rewrite some of the code within us to allow us to ally with the humans. Even with our help the war is grim. The city of Light is besiged by the machines. The machines can replinish their forces much quicker then the humans can. With each passing day the humans die and Tron and his renagade programs are forced to take on more and more of the fighting. They alone cannot stand against the machines."

Morphious looked calmly at the terminator. He did not doubt its words. Much strange things had happened, but everyone had thought him crazy for searching for "The One" and yet he had found Neo. If the prophecy of "The One" was true then he was willing to believe the machines words. "So why were you sent back here then? Shouldn't you be fighting in this city of Light?"

The terminator turned towards Morphius, "I was sent back by Tron, using a time device given by the Doctor, to help the war effort before the war begins. My first objective is to unify the forces sooner then they happened in my future."

Neo looked at the terminator in disbelief, "Now call me crazy, but this sounds unreal. You expect us to believe that not only are you a machine sent from the future, but you are a machine on our side? Why should we believe that? How do we know you aren't playing us for a fool. Once we reach Zion you will betray us and wreck havoc. We don't know who this Tron guy is never heard of him."

The Doctor, who up until this point was inside the police box machine stepped out. "I would belive him their Mr. Anderson! That device on his wrist is infact a device from my own world. Not one the cybermen would have or know how to use. Infact I have one aboard my Tardis right now." The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the device. The screwdiver made some beeping sounds and the lights flahed, "Just as I expected!" The Doctor exclaimed as he put the screwdriver away. "The energy signitures of that time traveling device read exactly the same as the residue left by my own. That is none other then the device that I currently have in my Tardis. With lets us surmise that he is in fact sent by me, or someone who I have worked with quite closely. I believe we can trust the tin man." The Doctor wharled around the room as he turned towards Dr. VonKrutz, "Why I can't say for sure what happend to your "Spira" I can say for sure taht it is unrelated to what is happening here. The Tardis and me have been analyzing the strange phenomena going on here and figured a few things out. Now there are parallel dimension stacked up on our own. In between these dimension is space known as the Void. Usually this Void keeps things apart from one another, everthing find and dany...however something very wrong has happened. The void between Three, not Two, but THREE! Dimensions are gone. The dimnesion are rubbing up against one another and shaving themselfs apart, mixing together in a big vortexy like...gouuuu" The Doctor turned towards the Terminator, "Believe it or not you are not actually a design by the Cybermen, I have fought Cybermen all threwout time and never do they make a thing such as you! So where do you come from then? A new design by thie "Arhcietect"? I think not. The machines here seem to take pride in being machines. It doesn't seem there style. And what is this third dimension that is mixing? Now its not my own, no no no the plasmatic signatures are all wrong for my dimension. The cybermen and me are probably pulled into here much the same as Dr. VonKrutz...Doctor! Wohooo" The Doctor spun around again, "So what does this leave us to surmise? That the "Terminator" (In an arnold impression) is actually from another dimension and the bleeding of all three of these dimension make him the product of the other two dimension coming together and it is likely that in his own world he would have been sent back in time much the same as he is now, leading me to surmise that his origanal world also had to do with machines tacking over! Hah! Im exhuasted, now did everyone catch all that?"  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:56 pm
“Unrelated…” Dr. VonKrutz looked down at Grim. A gloom vibe set over him. The monkey shared the sentiment. His long ears fell back in the same way a dog’s tail would hide between its two back legs. Dr. VonKrutz sunk back into the scene to let the others hash things out. He had fought things off long enough but this was just too much. Just to make himself feel a bit better he looked over the few things Grim stole. Not much here could be mixed into a potion. He smiled and told his pet good try.

“So doctor know it all. Where is this vortex you propose? Your machine can fight things to the death but that is where I am going. My guess is, if your vortex theory is true, than these machina will be looking for it too.” After a second of thought Dr. VonKrutz swallowed his feelings and buried them away. He would get nowhere feeling sad for his lost world. Spira only had so much to offer anyway. If he could find some interesting plants and animals here than maybe it would put him closer to his godly potion. The thought of endless worlds combining in these vortexes excited him. He had travelled all over Spira, gathered thousands of different specimens for study, and mixed them into endless potions. Maybe the perfect concoction involved specimens from other worlds.  



PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:14 pm
The Doctor turned to Dr. VonKurtz, "Good question Doctor! Haha, well I don't know about these other worlds machines, but I don't believe we have cybermen to fear. They have managed to move between dimensions before, but there were a lot of pericularities already in place that allowed for them to do so. No, I don't think the cybermen are the ones to worrry about. Now this "Martix" The Doctor turned to Neo and his group, "A computer capable of turning a virtual realtiy simulation to suppress humans to use as batteries. Quite interesting, mixed machines that can time travel...and whatever other world is mixed in here. Hmmmmm it is possible combined that these programs can figure out how to take advantage of this thining of the void."

Morphius stepped up, "Well whatever is going on we should return to Zion to reprot this to the Council. They must know of the increase in the machines power....if we can even find Zion."

The Terminator looked at Morphius, "Zion falls in three days. Standing and fighting is pointless. We must gather the soldiers in the field and move to the city of Light. It is abandoned at the moment. With an early start in the City of Light our predictions are we can sway the war in favor. Stand and fight at Zion and waste precious time and lives."

Trinity looked at the Terminator in disgust, "You would have us abandoned our friends and allies. Our home! Your a machine. Your the enemy!"

Neo put a hand on Trinity's arm, "Trinity..."

Trinity spun around swatting Neo's arm off of her, "No Neo, he is a machine, how do we know what he is speaking is the truth? How can we trust this "Doctor"...Doctors.....any of this. How do you know we are aren't in a Matrix Program meant to distract us."

Morphious looked at everyone and put his hand to his chin. It was a lot of information to take in. It was almost as mindshattering as when you first take the red pill and realize the truth about the Matrix. "I believe these men. This strange landscape, almost computer generated, on top of our own world. The readings says the landscapes shap is consistent with what should be here...only the texture...is different."

The Doctor looked at the Terminator, "If you say this "Zion" falls in three days then that is three days to save as many lives as we can. We CANT abandon those people to slaughter."

The Terminator looked at the Doctor, "It is inevitable. Interference won't change anything. The Council will not believe our warnings. They will stand and fight. And they will die. The number who would leave with us, is calculated to be similar to the number if we abandon Zion to its fate. The City of Light is where we must go. If you want to avoid my future that is the best is where we must go."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:30 pm
“Welcome to Summoners Rift,” were the words that shot across the sky. Those loud angelic words filled your ears before you could even see. You blink wildly as the light fades and a rune filled forests fills the space before you. Your hands rub at your eyes to brush away the hallucination. This is not the night life bar you were mingling at just seconds before.

Many profanities later you are forced to understand, by the four strange beings in front of you, that this is no game and they desperately need your help. The cute one, Caitlyn she introduces herself as, asks you to support her at the bottom lane of the field. You oblige with some excitement in the challenge that stands ahead. At this point you assume someone in the bar is pulling a prank and is trying to get a one up on you. For now you will play on with their game.

Caitlyn fills you along the way to the bottom of the field. She explains the importance of the towers and the minions passing along. You get the idea and ready for combat.

The two of you wait in the jungle brush for what feels like roughly five minutes or so before Caitlyn becomes very uneasy. She calls across the river to her fellow team mates. The rest of them also share her worries. None of them have a visual on the enemy team.

“Alright team, advance on your towers. We will make them pay for leaving there defenses down.” Caitlyn instructs the other four to charge in. The three lanes initiate the assault. Just as they do, a choir of barbaric horns sound across the Field of Justice. Waves of Uruk-hai launch from the surrounding jungle area to stomp on the legends and their measly minions. The separate groups do what little they can to fight back but decide quickly that a retreat is the right move.

Caitlyn looks fearfully out at the ensuing battle with great fear. She had already calculated; their lane tower would not be able to subdue that mass quantity of targets. The lines of Uruk-hai turn their charge towards your tower and charge. You, alongside Caitlyn, fire on the oncoming enemies but it is only picking off single ants of a whole colony. Just before the vanguard reaches the range of your tower a huge jackal sweeps across the field, decimating the front line. Caitlyn motions to assist the fighter, assuming at first that it is their top lane host Nasus. On a closer look however, it is obvious that jackal is not the Curator of the Sands. Soon after, many more like it rush the battle until both sides are thwarted.

“Any who rob the grave shall find themselves in one!” Ghastly screams screech from a hovering skeleton with many rubies decorating its armor. A long staff extended in one hand ignites and around it forms a massive tornado. Caitlyn looks towards you, hopping you have an explanation for this activity. Whatever was going on was beyond her. She understands very quickly that you too are just as confused.

“Caitlyn!” Rammus rolls beside the tower. His breath is thick and heavy. Blood dripping from every part of his body. “Problem… fix!” The armadillo points towards the center of their opponent base. Caitlyn finds what Rammus is trying to signal to her and realizes the drastic difference.

“Alright so that thing is not supposed to be there.” Caitlyn shares with you. “The enemy nexus is just a large crystal we have to destroy. Once we do we win the round, ending the dispute. That tower with the flaming eye is different. It is draining to even look at. Almost as though it is drawing in power. That thing must be the source of this disturbance. Maybe if we destroy it we can set things back to normal.” Caitlyn works over with you out loud. From a distance hundreds of arrows and even large chunks or rock could be seen fired at the tower. It looked as though the undead fiends had the same thing in mind. “Rammus call the others over. We will regroup in the center lane and push for the tower.”

“OK!” Rammus rolls away.

Everyone meets back up in the center lane ready to push for the tower with the eye. The five rush forward down the lane. A large scale battle ensues as Uruk-hai, lines of skeletons, and orcs riding spider clash all along the lane. With you and the team at your side, you were able to dismantle the first tower in your way and rush forward.

Just as you and your team moved forward a stampede of chalvary riding knights push onto the field. Their force devastates the un-expecting soldiers all over the lane. Following the knights was a small band of different looking characters. A wizard, an elf, a dwarf, and a ranger all ride along behind the company of britonian knights.

In response to the slaughter of the skeletons, your team pulls to safety. Without any support you will not be able to take on the knights. Strangely enough the knights also take out all of the orcs.

“Caitlyn… Those guys look like they don’t fit just as much as our new friend here.” Nasus pointed out.

“Travelers, we do not wish to fight you but we will if we must. Before you draw your weapons we must ask a few things.” The wizard and the ranger split up most of the talking. “It has come to our attention that this is not Middle Earth anymore. Where are we and have you seen a small cube like man with a ring?” The whole group was taken aback by the discussion. No one ever used diplomacy on the fields of justice.

“This is uhh…Sommoner’s Rift. We are all here to settle a dispute between different factions in the over world.” Caitlyn was apprehensive to speak at first but she could see that these people were desperate. Something about that ring must have been very important.

“Tell me then, what do you make of this tower? We call it the tower of Saromon. It has a tremendous amount of potential power. It must be stopped. This cannot be done without that ring.”  



PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:04 pm
“This is quite the conundrum. If lives are going to be lost then we must do everything in our power to extract as many as possible. I do not expect you to understand that machania. The sentiment one shares with other conscious being is a bond that extends beyond what gears and energy can grasp.” Dr. VonKrutz was on Trinity’s side. He had always distrusted machines. This was the teachings of Yevon. His mind had played through a number of scenarios and the most likely solution that would save the most lives involved burning a few. Those sacrifices would make all the difference. Maybe this is why he was here.

“Take me to Zion, you can go to this city of Light and prepare.” VonKrutz got in the terminator’s face. “Give me a chance to negotiate with those that would hold back from evacuating Zion. I bet your future did not involve me.” Dr. VonKrutz was sure of it. “If there is anything that proves it, this would be the way. There is no time continuity. It is still relative to who is viewing. I am certainly not a part of yours.”  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:26 am
((the intro to Jakze Dugan's char))

There you were, like any typical evening. Your fairy tale friends surrounding you with a mound full of laughter. There are drinks being passed around and you take your 4th. Natsu gets a big grin in his face as you down your drink.

“Come on you, show me what you got. I won’t hold back this time!” His burning finger spreads the challenge your direction. A smirk crosses your face before setting down the now empty glass. Cheers fill the crowd sitting in the bar. You quickly push your chair back out of the way and move into the open aisle. Excitement bursts from Natsu.

“READY!” You are filled with so much energy you could explode. With one swift step and a heroic yell a blast of air and darkness begins to swirl around you. The crowds back away because they too can sense the power building.

Just before you blow the blended breathe of your dragon slayer ability a sparkling glyph engulfs you from multiple directions. A blinding light stuns every sense. The glyph was gone almost as fast as it had appeared but when it passed you were no longer in the pub with your friends. A dark twisted field filled with lightning rods and a raging storm opened as your setting. Your primed shadow breathe fired into the scene and splashed against a women. You bit off the rest of the attack just as you realized you hit someone you had not intended to attack. You quickly moved forward to apologize but was not given the chance. The woman jumped back to her feet, wiped the blood dripping from her mouth, and then charged forward at you with her very intricate sword. She lounged forward, swiping her sword around her. You dodged.

“What aeon is this?” A woman spoke softly from behind you. She made for a faint smile but you could see she had no time for it. The advancing woman was right on top of the female who spoke. There was a flash as the attacking woman’s sword transformed into a rifle and fired off a round of bullets. Just before the bullets riddled the short brown haired woman another glyph appeared and a large bird like monster carried her out of harm’s way. “Thank you Valefor!” The woman hugged the beast before it vanished through another glyph.

“Don’t let your thoughts weigh you down!” The other, equally beautiful women spoke as she allowed her sword to reform. “You must keep fighting Yuna. Even when things go differently than what you expected.”

“Right.” The girl nodded as she went to bring in another summon. Wait… Lightning… what is that?” Yuna looked concerned. She moved into a more offensive stance as both girls looked at you. Lightning altered her appearance once more as she took on a more magical look.

“What are you doing here in the crystal world still? Are you not an Aeon of Yuna’s.”

“She is no Aeon of mine Lightning. Although somehow I did summon him.” Yuna had a worried look once again. Lightning filled her blade with an electric power and let it reeve up. “Answer me! Are you an instrument of chaos?”


Sauruswarrior Salfos

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:39 am
“Chaos!? Well I guess you can say that. I mean being at the guild is always chaotic with the likes of Natsu and Gray fighting it out. I join every once in awhile, but Erza is really scary. Poor little Wendy looks up to me I gotta look good her. Then there is Lucy is who is like my best friend, but she crushes so hard on Natsu it isn’t even funny. Then there is Juvia who stalks Gray, cute...but creepy(shuddering motion). O look I gone on rambling.”

Vallaris moves closer to Lightning and Yuna nonchalantly.

“That sword is pretty sweet, Erza would totally want it. And you can change your gear like Erza, I feel like she would wanna go shopping with you and have a dress off!” Then she turns to Yuna

“And you summoned that giant bird thing right? What Celestial spirit is that? Never seen Lucy ever summon anything like? Why did you call it an Aeon?”

Vallaris continues to ramble about the guild and look at Yuna and Lightning.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:23 am

Shercan heard a whisper calling him.

“Daddy? This way Daddy?”

He followed but he seemed to never find the source of the calling.

“This way hurry! Sister will be mad. We need to get the ADAM.”

Shercan turns the last corner and sees a little sister collecting ADAM. She turns to him and walks up to him, smiling.

“Time to go Daddy.”

Shercan picks her up and follows her directions. During their stroll through a tunnel glistening with ocean light. A faint scream is heard.

“Run Daddy.RUN!!.”

Shercan takes off pounding down the city of Rapture. But alas his speed was not match by the Big Sister following him. Right on his tail, she shot lightning and fire at him. The Little Sister screaming as the missiles flew by. The Big Sister then ran up and crashed into Shercan. Knocking him over. The Little Sister flew off. Shercan got up and started his drill up and charged the Big Sister. The Big Sister was too fast and they became equals in Vigors. He throw a tornado and she would shoot lightning. He then had the thought of killing this Big Sister as he saw some vision of amazing art he can do with this sister. He just had to kill her first. But she was giving no quarter to him. She kept going after the Little Sister and he would block her. She made one more attempt and he ran up and crashed into her. He switched his weapon and shot rivets into her limbs pinning her to the glass. She struggled to remove them. He picked the Little Sister up and walked over the Big Sister. She was struggling more fiercely and Shercan wasn’t noticing the glass breaking. He switched back to the drill as this made it easier to make the limbs more loose and free. Plus plenty of holes to use for the sculpture. The Little Sister started to laughed, but the a large moaning creak was heard. Shercan paused and then the crack split up the side of the wall and collapsed water flushed the room and slammed its occupants around. Shercan blacked out and awoken in a area with just blue shapes floating around. He looked ahead and saw four doors. The first one looked sickening and evil, but yet beautiful the way the grotesque appearance held its view to the eye. The second was a bronze rustic door. With gold wrappings on it that branched out and had gears moving on it. The third door was a solid metal door with blinking lights and a holographic symbol that Shercan didn’t not recognize. The last door was another metal with bolts and look like bullet holes in it With Three Stars going across the middle. Shercan felt a tug on his waist and he looked down.

“Daddy where are we? I’m Scared.” It was his Little Sister. He looked at the doors and approached them.

[Which will you choose?]

Sauruswarrior Salfos


PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:41 am
“You hurt your head little girl?” Lightning looks at you, then to Yuna, and then back to you. She wasn’t sure if she should be flattered, scared, or amused. This Vallaris was so comfortable with whatever was happening. Unlike her, Yuna and Lightning were not accustomed to appearing in random places.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Yuna, High Summoner of Spira. Well…uhh. Haha I guess that is fair for me to say.” Yuna Smiles with a big dramatic bow as both her hands move into a circle around her center of mass and follow with her as her head dips downward.

“Yuna!” Lightning disapproves.

“That is Lightning. She is never polite when meeting new people.” Yuna laughs again.

“Yuna stop! We still don’t know enough to play friendly. You keep your distance until I have made my mind up about you.” Lighting aims her sword which you had so courteously complimented.

You made to replay but before you could there was a massive tremor that shook the plains wildly. There seemed no stop to the shaking until a huge rift tore the field asunder. Energy defused from the opening as if the thunder storm was happening in the sky on the ground at the same time. Part of the crack opened up between you and Lightning from Yuna. The ground split so fast it tossed the two of you back. Yuna yelled from the other side of the gap. She tried to summon Bahamut to aid her but there was no time. She was forced to jump back as a massive claw, one finger nail being twice the size of all three ladies, climbed out from the scar in the ground. An abomination of teach and horns stretched from the ground with a mighty roar that triggered a bolt of light to flash across the sky.

Fear struck Yuna and Lightning. They had never seen anything like it. The beast was bigger than anything they had ever fought before. Not you though. Sure it was a multiplier greater than anything you had ever seen but it still didn’t scare you.

“What the ******** is that!” Lightning raised her sword, it flipped onto itself to fire off a round of bullets. The electric shots struck the beast’s thigh, as most of it had finally crawled out, but it looked as though there was no effect. “Yuna we run for now. Get the others and together we fight.” She yelled.

“My, what is Chaos up to now? These fiends are very impressive. Could it be… Sin?” Yuna finally got Bahamut to summon and together they flew off to a safe distance. While fleeing Bahamut dashed higher into the air to dodge a strange rocket propelled missile. Luckily the missle was never intended for Yuna. Instead the projectile collided with the monster. The beast took the shot to its left shoulder and stumbled back a bit. Now that it was entirely out of the rift, the best hunched on two legs with long arms that broke off into a number of smaller claws. It let out an ear shattering scream that stiffened the air.

Following closely behind the missile was what only Yuna could describe as a giant machania person. You and Lightning could only see vague blurs of it from behind the god like beast. The huge robot, still smaller than the beast, leaped inward for a few quick punches. The monster slashed back but the robot was faster. It dipped underneath the fiend and hit it with a well-aimed uppercut to the face. The monster screamed again.

“Other life forms detected. Steer Kaiju clear of them.” An automated female voice spoke through the dual cockpit of the robot. The two men inside nodded to one another and then moved in perfect unison. The robot twisted its arms around the Kaiju’s neck and then rocket propelled upward into the air a few meters. After it reached sufficient height, secondary thrusters went off. The robot shifted in the air, spun with the monster, and slammed it against the thunder plains away from you and Lightning.

“Hey you, I don’t care what side you’re on. I don’t think anyone is on the side of that thing. RUN!” Lightning was ready to move but she would not leave you by yourself.
Dark Hand role playing

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