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Michiru Tendo

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:56 pm
Karen sighed again, this time over the many memories of her hometown. It had been so long since she had seen many of her friends, she prayed that she would once again be able to meet with them some day.

No longer hearing the sound of her Ponyta quenching her thirst, she opened her eyes slowly to see if Cosette had finished. Her eyes widened in surprise to find a girl standing in front of her. The girl was hauntingly beautiful, with her pale complexion and silky black hair. She couldn't help but just stare at the slightly younger-looking girl for a few moments before opening her mouth to communicate with her.

"You..." Karen suddenly jumped up and grasped both of the girl's hands in her own. "Omigod, you're so cute! A-and your clothes, adorable! Absolutely adorable! Where did you get them, you have to tell me! And... are you wearing contacts? Your eyes are purple! But they're so pretty... you're so pretty!"

Cosette rolled her eyes as she watched her friend ramble. Karen often couldn't keep her words to herself once she saw something she liked. She would go on and on about whatever caught her eye. Poor girl, having to listen to her trainer talk about how cute she is. Saying things like that would probably get her in trouble somehow one day.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:06 pm
For a second after the girl had grasped her hands, Aeris could do nothing but stare at her in shock before a blush started to blossom across her cheeks. She'd never been talked to like this.


She'd wanted to tell the girl off for being so loud, she really did. But the intensity of her stare and her sudden movements slammed the ideas right out of her brain.

The air fizzled purple again as she quickly made a hasty retreat behind the large rock, breathing softly so as not to alert the girl of her continued presense but able to continue to watch her.

What a strange child. Han commented.




PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:07 pm
Lyn was restless in Petalburg. She had already exlpored the surrounding areas so thoroughly that it was getting boring. She knew not to go out to the other cities but she was so bored. Maybe my parents will send me out to deliver supplies to the Cinnabar Cinnabun in Rustboro. Then I'd be able to challenge Jade. "And we'd crush him, wouldn't we Tiger!" She yelled this out as if her little Growlithe could read her thoughts. Tiger glared at her for awhile and then went back to sleep. This was his favorite time of day and he enjoyed basking in the sun. No matter what, he wasn't going to let Lyn ruin it with her no good adventuring schemes.
Lyn watched Tiger. He looked very fluffy in the day time. With out warning, she tackles him. "SO CUTE!!!!!" She cried as she squeezed the poor thing closer to her. "I know! I can talk you for a walk! Maybe we'll meet some strong pokemon out in the forest...maybe this time will be the time something really awesome happens! Some day...things will be interesting!" She proclaimed her decision to the sky and her neighbors who were quite used to that sort of thing by now. With Tiger on his leash, she headed for Petalburg Woods.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:22 pm
"Eh...? Wh-where'd she go?" Karen looked desperately around for the girl who stood in front of her two seconds ago. She caught Cosette's eyes as they stared and blinked at each other. "Cosette... she was really there, wasn't she? I didn't make her up, right? I'm not crazy yet at this young age, right? Right?!"

Cosette trotted over to Karen, nudging at the space where the girl had stood a few moments earlier.

"So you saw her too, huh? How strange... Ha! I bet I know what it was! She must have had a Pokemon hiding behind her or something who used a technique to make them disappear somewhere! That's gotta be it! It's a shame she left so soon, though, she was really pretty... and she never told me where she got those clothes. Ah well, maybe I'll meet up with her again!" With that, the red-headed girl skipped off, motioning to her friend to follow her back onto the path. A smile formed on her lips as she new thoughts of encountering more Pokemon entered her head.

Michiru Tendo


PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:27 pm
Where are you going?

She didn't know. Her feet were just following the strange red haired thing that had just trotted off. She could't help but feel unaccomplished until she'd at least told her how loud she was, for some reason. She followed behind the woman, keeping her strange pokemon and her jsut in sight ahead on the road.

Besides. She consoled herself. The first Gym was this way.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:36 pm
Glancing around her, Karen could not see a single wild Pokemon worth her attention. Why is it that whenever you're out on the look for something you're never able to find the thing you're searching for? She sighed once again, as was a habit of hers.

"C'mon, Cosette, we'll head back to town. The sun's setting, anyways, we should get back. I still wanna do some shopping before the stores close. Maybe we'll get lucky along the way! We might run into something worthy of defeating, I'm sure you'd like to try out that growl you've been working so hard to perfect, huh?" Karen smiled as the Ponyta neighed happily in response.

Michiru Tendo


PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:41 pm
The girl turned around, but Aeris could do nothing but stand in her stupor once again.

Would you like me to hide you?

Aeris didn't respond. Her mind seemed to be working extra slow today. Soon the scary lady would see her, maybe even grab her again. But she had to be brave, and tell her what she wanted to tell her.

She'd defeated everyone in Kanto/Johto without saying hardly anything, but she had a feeling she's have to change that, here. Might as well start now, she consoled herself. Idly Han commented that she'd een doing a lot of self consoling in the past ten minutes.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:42 pm

When entering an area that isn't a gym, there are trainers and wild pokemon. Each area has a certain amount of trainers. I'll post them in the NPC area. Each area also has a certain amount of wild pokemon. I'll post the number that can be seen each day in the NPC area as well. You can engage in battles with pokemon and trainers but if you wish to catch it I'll have to approve the catch, just to make sure no god-modding occurred. Once you get the okay, the pokemon's yours. I'll say more about that later. No trainers are to interrupt another trainer during a battle unless the trainer you fight uses double battles, that'll also be specified. I'll probably do that updating tomorrow. For now, and to give you time, I'll just say how to fight wild pokemon.

Lyn's walking around in the forest and...a Lotad jumps out!
" A Lotad! Get it TIGER! GO! GO! GO!" Lyn cheered as she let Tiger off his leash and urged him forward.

^ Step one: Announce the pokemon you're going to use and what pokemon it is you're fighting.

Tiger glared at the Lotad. It was rather pathetic looking. Cruel as it was, Tiger jumped forward and bit at the Lotad.

^ Step two: Use an attack.

Quite astonished by the trainer's energy, the Lotad noticed Tiger too late and was just able to turn around and be bit upon the bottom.

^Step Three: Announce whether it's a hit or not. Be fair, not all your attacks will hit. Just like not all Poison Stings will poison and not all Body Slam's will paralyze.

The Lotad, quite angry that his after noon stroll should be interrupted so rudely, swung around it's bottom until Tiger released him. The Lotad then ran at Tiger and used Astonish.

^Step Four: Announce the counter attack. I'll post the attacks that the wild pokemon can use in the NPC area as well.

Tiger, having just landed on his feet was hit in the chest by the attack.

^ Step Five: Announce whether the Counter Attack is a hit.

Tiger rushed at the Lotad and bit it again.

^Most battles will go on longer than two rounds, so just repeat the previous steps.

The Lotad, quite angered by such biting, let out a menacing growl which caused Tiger to shiver a bit.

^ Stat lowering attacks are still around. Usually, they mean the battle will go on longer. Not all of these hit, just like the attacks. Even though a wild pokemon has these attacks, it doesn't mean that they're going to use them all the time. Be fair, they lie to switch it up sometimes.

Deciding that the battle had gone on long enough, Tiger jumped at him for the final bite. The Lotad went down, curled up into a ball and started crying.
"That's right! You didn't stand a chance against us!" Lyn cried triumphantly. Tiger couldn't help feeling sorry for the poor little Lotad and he glared at Lyn. "Hm? Alright, I know. I have berries, don't worry. Sheesh!" Lyn reached into her bag and pulled out a berry and left in on the ground for the Lotad to eat, which it did quickly and then ran off.
Growlithe feels a little stronger.

^Exp isn't in this. You simply fight a lot of pokemon. When you first start out, it takes less pokemon in the low "level" area to grow. Pokemon trainers take less to beat to grow and gym leaders pretty much get you to what ever the next step in your growth is. More on that later. Ask questions today, answered tomorrow!  


Michiru Tendo

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:05 pm
Turning around to head back to her hotel, Karen caught sight of the same girl who had disappeared from her a couple minutes earlier. Again, she just stared at the girl for a few long moments. This girl truly was beautiful, it was almost otherworldly. In fact, it really did seem like the girl was not of this world. It wasn't just her appearance, the air she gave off seemed different from most people. Karen shrugged the strange feeling off. She began to approach the girl quickly; something in the back of her mind was telling her to hurry toward her, lest this mysterious girl vanish from her again. Again she touched the girl, this time gripping her shoulders. Maybe if she held on to her she wouldn't disappear.

"Why did you go away earlier? You just poofed, it was weird. You didn't even tell me what store you found your clothes from, I really want to know! Well that's okay, some people have this thing about not liking to tell people where they get their outfits, so that's alright, you don't have to tell me. But please don't go away again, kay?" Karen stared directly into the girl's eyes as she said each word. Holding her down, locking her eyes, maybe this way the girl really wouldn't vanish again.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:13 pm
Aeris blnked and stared at her feet, a few strands of black hair cascading in front of her face.

Again, she found herself unable to speak, and the urge to disappear was very difficult to resist.

"I...I...I'm sorry, I..."

Haunter had shed his invisibility and had appeared behind the girl's head, probably hoping to frighten her away with his jagged teeth and earing.

"Haaaaantr." The way Han dragged out his name is why she'd always called him Han, ever since she'd met him at age 3.


Michiru Tendo

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:27 pm
She smiled cheerfully at the beautiful girl, somehow almost completely certain now that she wouldn't go away now.

"That's alright! You don't have to apologize, you probably had a good reason to disappear By the way, how did y-"

Karen stopped mid-sentence to slowly turn around and find out who or what had spoken behind her. She came face-to-face with a purple creature who had a rather large face and large hands as well. For a moment she looked surprised, but her expression soon changed and a big smile spread across her lips.

"Cosette, look! We got lucky after all! Go get 'im!"

The Ponyta wandered over to the red-head, looking from the strange Pokemon to the strange girl, figuring that they had the same relationship as Cosette had with her trainer. Cosette stood there, unsure of what to do. Would it be fair to attack a Pokemon most likely owned by that girl? Cosette then glanced at Karen, still wearing that triumphant grin. The blue-flamed Ponyta snorted. She probably hadn't figured out that the Haunter was with the girl, not wild.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:35 pm
Aeris stared at the girl, suddenly finding her voice. "Leave Han alone!!"

The air cackled with purple energy as her temper flared. Han and her were so connected that the air often cracked with their energy when her emotions got too wild. Nothing dangerous, but it still looked pretty cool.

It's not as if that horse could damage me. It's weak, I doubt it knows an attack that could hurt me. Calm yourself, Aeris...


Michiru Tendo

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:54 am
Karen tore her gaze from the strange Pokemon to look back at the dark-haired girl. "Oh, I'm sorry, is he yours? I didn't even think that he might be, silly me!" She lightly smacked her own forehead and stuck out her tongue to no one in particular.

She then noticed the change in the air around her. She blinked at the strange purple crackles, then turned her head to face the girl again. "Is this another of your Pokemon's abilities? Wow, first he makes you vanish and now he sends strange purple things into the air. You've gotta show me where you get one of these things, they're really neat!" Karen said excitedly as she pointed to the girl's Pokemon.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:09 am
Hanter moved to float above Aeris's shoulder, glaring at the strange girl.

Now that she had finally managed to speak, Aeris found her unused voice again lodged in her throat, struggling like captive pokemon in a spider's web. Instead she just stared at the girl, mouth slightly open with an almost frightened expression.

The purple static faded into the lengthening darkness that was creeping across the land as she stood perplexed in the road.


Michiru Tendo

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:14 am
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did I say something wrong? Maybe I shouldn't have called that Pokemon a thing... sorry! I didn't realize that upset you! Or maybe it wasn't that... but I don't know what else it could be... Oh please tell me what's wrong!" Karen once again gripped the girl by the shoulders, staring at her with a concerned expression. In addition to being chatty, Karen had always been a bit of a touchy girl since she was little. The habit had carried over into her later years as well.  

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