*Agatha screams in rage and tries to run after her. Unfortunately for her, stiletto heels plus six tequilla sunrises plus blinding rage does not make for great footing. She falls flat on the pavement, still spewing obscenities. At no point does she attempt to check on Shane, who by this point is already gone.

In a daze, she stumbles back to Carroll's and relays the recent events in an angry, drunken, nearly incoherent diatribe. After a couple failed attempts, Carroll manages to glean the salient points, and instructs his men to take her upstairs.

When he finds Shane in the alley, he doesn't react with his usual explosion of rage. His anger burns cold instead of hot, his eyes darkening to obsidian orbs. He didn't particularly care about Shane personally, but the ogre was one of his people. By killiing him, Bree had finally crossed over a line from which there was no return. It was no longer enough to simply take her and possess her. He had to break her utterly. He would see her kneel before him, begging to be defiled, her mind and soul utterly destroyed. And then he would continue to use her in the most degrading ways he could imagine.

He knelt down and touched Shane's body. His glamour surged as flames engulfed his hand, consuming the ogre's body and reducing it to ash. Only after he tired of debasing her in every way, would he allow her to die.*