-{Do you serve a purpose?}-

1) To create a Faction/house/school, Simply make a new thread titled after the faction. Your thread will be reviewed, and if it is deemed appropriate , we will allow it to open. Note, in order to open, a faction must be well defined, structured, relevant and appear that you put SOME work into its creation

2) Each username can only control One Faction. Ex. You cannot be a Matron Mother, and the leader of the A mercenary band. HOWEVER , you can Join to different factions, you just cannot be the owner of both said factions.

3) Faction leaders hold the power to recruit / dismiss any member from their Faction. In order to join a faction, PM its leader, unless they have created a designated recruiting thread.

4) Faction leaders are the mods of their own Threads. Their word is law, unless crew is called into it.

-{Or purposely serve?}-